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Our Indoor Activities


1. Arts and Crafts

  • Finger Painting: Set up a finger painting station with washable paints.

  • Collage Making: Provide magazines, glue, safety scissors, and construction paper for making collages.

  • Play Dough: Offer different colors of play dough and tools for sculpting.

2. Sensory Play

  • Sensory Bins: Fill bins with rice, beans, or sand and add small toys or tools for exploration.

  • Water Play: Set up a water table with cups, funnels, and small toys (supervised activity).

3. Story Time

  • Interactive Storytelling: Read stories and ask questions to engage the children.

  • Puppet Shows: Use puppets to act out stories or create your own.

4. Music and Movement

  • Dance Parties: Play music and encourage the children to dance.

  • Musical Instruments: Provide simple instruments like tambourines, maracas, and xylophones.

5. Educational Games

  • Matching Games: Use cards or objects to match shapes, colors, or animals.

  • Puzzle Time: Offer age-appropriate puzzles for problem-solving practice.

6. Building and Construction

  • Blocks and Legos: Provide various types of building blocks for creative construction.

  • Magnetic Tiles: Offer magnetic tiles for building 3D structures.

7. Role Play and Dress-Up

  • Costume Corner: Have a collection of costumes for imaginative play.

  • Play Kitchen: Set up a play kitchen with utensils and pretend food.

8. Physical Activities

  • Indoor Obstacle Course: Create an obstacle course using pillows, tunnels, and hula hoops.

  • Parachute Games: Use a small parachute for group activities like bouncing balls or making waves.

9. Science Experiments

  • Simple Science Projects: Conduct easy experiments like baking soda and vinegar volcanoes or exploring magnets.

  • Nature Exploration: Bring leaves, rocks, or flowers for observation and discussion.

10. Quiet Time Activities

  • Reading Nook: Create a cozy reading area with books and soft cushions.

  • Puzzles and Board Games: Offer a variety of puzzles and simple board games.

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